How to help and support each other

Social support is the help and guidance you give each other at work. But it can also be understood more broadly and be about you accepting each other, trusting each other and recognizing each other's work.

Example: When things go wrong with the gift/wrapping paper

Lone is wrapping some products for a customer. But she’s having a bad day and things start to go wrong. The paper tears several times, the tape curls up and she runs out of corrugated paper so she has to get some more from the stockroom.

Fortunately, her colleague is there to give her a hand when things are at their worst, and the wrapping gets back on track.

What does social support mean?

Specifically, social support can be the help and guidance you give each other at the shop. But it can also have a broader meaning and be about accepting each other, trusting each other and acknowledging each other’s work.

  • Practical support is about getting help when necessary, having resources available, for example a helping hand, technical equipment or other work tools.
  • Professional support is about getting help to prioritise tasks or to perform them.
  • Emotional support is about being taken seriously and being met with care and consideration.

The culture at your workplace affects how and whether you help and support each other.

Benefits of supporting and helping each other

Focusing on help and support benefits the individual employee and the general working environment at the shop because:

  • Receiving support in what you do makes you feel more competent, and more satisfied with your job.
  • Support and acknowledgement have a positive effect on health and wellbeing, and can prevent stress.

A culture in which you support and help each other empowers you, and this also means that you can talk more openly about problems and challenges at work.

Moreover, support and help can make you more resilient to busy periods, periods of change and other situations that may cause stress at work.

Last revised at 04. July 2023