The work of the health and safety group

The health and safety group does not have a clearly defined responsibility in ensuring wellbeing and job satisfaction at the workplace. But the health and safety risk assessment (APV) might give you clues to where you can contribute to the psykosocial working environment.

Through the health and safety risk assessment (APV), the employee satisfaction survey, surveys of your psychosocial working conditions, or through some other channel, you may receive feedback from employees about the psykosocial wellbeing in your workplace.

If there are positive reports, you can capitalise further on your good experiences. If there are negative reports, then this can give you important information about how to improve things.

Here is what you can do

The quick method

If you want to address the subject of rewards and being appreciated at a small workplace, a simple staff meeting may be a good place to start. The meeting will help you put your experiences and thoughts into words. At the end of the meeting, you can all assess whether there is a need to launch initiatives.

  • Watch the films about relevant aspects of wellbeing and jobsatosfaction in this section.
  • Talk about the film: What is it like at our workplace?
  • What can we do to make us feel more appreciated?

Initiatives based on a health and safety risk assessment

You can conduct a health and safety risk assessment (APV) with special focus on the psychosocial working conditions and examine the factors that affect the experience of recognition and rewards.

There are several ways to conduct a health and safety risk assessment:

  • The dialogue method by which you identify the problems at a staff meeting and discuss causes and solutions together.
  • The questionnaire method by which you collect employees’ opinions and experiences in writing, and then find causes and solutions either in the health and safety group or at a staff meeting.

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Last revised at 07. January 2025