Overview: When and how to give instruction?

Thorough instructions and training for the work and the tools to be used help to ensure a good and safe working environment. New employees and young people have a particular need to receive thorough instruction in the first period.

When to give instructions

Upon employment

All newly employed staff must receive instruction and training before commencing work.

Following changes

  • Transfer to another work area
  • Introduction of new work tasks
  • Introduction of new work equipment
  • Introduction of new technology

Employees from another company

Employees from suppliers who are to deliver and arrange products in the shop must receive instruction in the use of the mechanical aids if they are to use these.

Temporary staff who are to handle products and use mechanical aids must receive instruction in the same way as permanent staff.

Young people - under 18

Young people should not be allowed to work unsupervised until it has been assessed they know how to perform their work tasks safely. Subsequently, they should be subject to regular supervision and follow-up.

What should instruction cover?

The risks involved

  • The risks involved when using machinery and mechanical aids
  • The physical strain associated with lifting, pushing and pulling, working positions and movement

How to work safely

  • When and how to operate machinery and mechanical aids
  • Use of personal protective equipment and clothing
  • Proper techniques for lifting and other manual handling
  • Proper techniques for pushing and pulling
  • Appropriate working position

Security and safety

  • Briefing on fire and emergency procedures
  • Where to find first-aid kits
  • The location of escape routes and emergency exits

How to give instruction

Make a plan for the introduction

  • Use a check list for the introduction and for instruction itself - so that you do not forget anything.
  • Agree dates for instruction and training before the employee starts work.
  • Appoint a person to be responsible for instruction and training.

Good instruction and training

  • Assess the employee and their relevant job function.
  • Adjust your instruction on the basis of your assessment.
  • Provide the instruction orally or in writing and in combination with practical exercises.
  • It's important to ensure the employee remembers the instruction.
  • Allocate adequate time for instruction.


  • The manager should talk with the employee to follow up on instruction and training to make sure the employee has understood everything correctly.
  • Make sure the employee knows who to contact for advice, for example a supervisor.
  • Ensure documentation for instruction and learning, for example in the form of completed check lists kept in a folder.

Last revised at 08. August 2023