Overview: Risk assessment and action plan

The health and safety risk assessment (APV) is the ‘Swiss army knife’ for the working environment. The risk assessment helps you to map your working environment, analyze what to do and draw up a plan for the measures to be introduced.

When should you carry out a health and safety risk assessment?

All workplaces that have employees are required to carry out risk assessments (APV) on a regular basis according to the Danish Working Environment Act:

You are required to carry out a risk assessment when there are significant changes to the workplace – and, in any events,  at least every three years. You may have to update the risk assessment in connection with changes at the shop (such as renovation or new technology), or if you become aware of problems in the working environment.

If an employee is pregnant or breastfeeding, the risk assessment should include an assessment of whether this involves any risks at work for the employee. You can also make sure in advance that your health and safety risk assessment includes an assessment of whether a pregnant or breastfeeding employee can be exposed to impacts that pose a risk to the foetus or the new-born child.

Start here: Risk assessment process

Health and safety risk assessment (APV) is an ongoing process comprising five phases: Mapping, analysis, examination of absence due to sickness, action plan and follow-up. Risk assessments (APVs) help you to monitor the working environment and to draw up plans for how management and employees can resolve the problems identified in the risk assessment. You’re free to carry the risk assessment in more or less exactly the way you want to.

Tool: Risk assessment with the dialogue method

The dialogue method is a good way to address psychosocial working conditions in an open talk between employees and management, and to carry out a risk assessment (APV). Read below about how to quickly measure the working environment using the “horseshoe”, and how you can use a more thorough process at a staff meeting.

Tool: Risk assessment with the questionnaire method

The questionnaire method enables you to map your psychosocial working conditions in writing. This method sets the stage for a systematic and thorough process. After mapping the psychosocial working conditions, analyze data and find possible challenges in the working environment. Then draw up an action plan to resolve the challenges. This method is best suited for slightly bigger workplaces with at least 20 employees.

Laws and regulations

You can find the answers to most questions about risk assessments (APVs) here on Det du mærker. The specific regulations and requirements are available at the Danish Working Environment Authority (WEA) website.

Last revised at 07. January 2025