The work of the health and safety group

The health and safety group does not have a clear role in relation to conflicts between colleagues in the workplace. However, it is different if the conflict has arisen between a manager and one or more employees.

There is no clear-cut role for the health and safety group in conflict situations at the workplace. Often, it will be more logical for the manager to intervene and manage conflicts between employees at the shop.

Conflicts with the manager

However, if the conflict is between a manager and one or more employees, it’s another situation. In such situations, it will be relevant for the health and safety representative and the employee representative to intervene to help resolve the conflict.

Use the health and safety risk assessment

The health and safety group can, however, play an important role regarding monitoring the scope and nature of conflicts at the workplace.

The health and safety risk assessment (APV) can be a useful tool in this connection. It’s obligatory to carry out a health and safety risk assessment every three years. The first section of the risk assessment focusses on psychosocial factors.

If you’re experiencing (or sense that there are) conflicts at the shop, it will be a good idea to carry out a written and anonymous questionnaire survey among all employees.   If the survey reveals conflicts, lack of wellbeing/job dissatisfaction, then you can go on to address these problems, possibly by seeking assistance from external health and safety consultants.

The quick method

If you want to address the subject of conflict between colleagues at a small workplace, a simple staff meeting may be a good place to start. You can exchange and discuss your experience with conflict at the meeting and share ideas about how to prevent conflict. At the end of the meeting, you can all assess whether there is a need to launch initiatives.

  • Watch the film about conflicts between colleagues.
  • Talk about the film: What is it like at our workplace?
  • What can we do to prevent and manage conflicts between colleagues?

For the chair of the meeting: Prepare for the meeting by reading more about conflict management on this page.

Tools and materials

  • The Conflict Ladder. A booklet from BFA trade with knowledge about conflicts and how to reduce them. Read about the conflict ladder, tools for reducing conflicts and what to do when the conflict cannot be resolved.

Read more


Last revised at 04. July 2023