'The best way to …': Instructions for smarter lifting

How you best...' is a comprehensive material for instruction and training about lifting, pulling and pushing in the retail trade. The materials can be used by employers, managers or others who are responsible for instructing employees in the correct work technique.

Products need to be transported and moved, shelves and displays need to be stocked, organised and rearranged. For people working in retail, manual handling of products is everyday life, whether the products are small or large, light or heavy. But how do you lift and handle products smartly and safely for you and your colleagues? Let 'Lift smart, not hard – the best way to …' guide you!

Intro guide til this material

The booklet 'Wanne lift? Lift smart, not hard?' is an introduction to the individual parts of 'The best way to...' and gives you inspiration for how it can be used in the daily instruction of employees, for teaching at staff meetings and for training new employees. With this material, employees get a number of practical tips to be able to manage the flow of goods in the right way in a busy everyday life.


Videos og instruction sheets

Instruction videos: A main element of 'Lift smart, not hard – the best way to …' is the introductory film and the 22 instruction videos with tips and guidance on how to work smarter and safer in a number of common work situations. The videos guide you through various typical work situations, showing you how to handle different types of products, from receiving to placing products on shelves, etc. Managers can watch the videos and learn how to instruct their employees, and employees can learn how to work safely by watching the videos. Each video is around 2-4 minutes.

Instructions sheets: Each video relates to an instructions sheet, which uses photos, illustrations, and brief descriptions to highlight the most important message about the work situations in question. Base your instruction of employees on the instructions sheets, or hand them out as checklists or put them on display in the lunch area or the stockroom. The sheets can also be organised in a binder made available in the lunch area or stockroom.

Mechanical aids and information sheets

The work situations in the videos involve the use of mechanical aids to allow for smarter and more safe handling of the products. Each of the mechanical aids demonstrated in the videos is described in a mechanical aids information sheet, which also explains the benefits of using the aid, the requirements for use, and considerations before and after procuring the aid. The mechanical aids information sheets can be printed out and handed out to employees or made available in a binder.

PowerPoint presentation

The PowerPoint slides present the most important aspects from the 22 work situations with photos, illustrations, and text. Use the slides if you don’t have an internet connection, if there are too many for everyone to sit with a computer, or if you do not have a TV or DVD player at your disposal. You can also prepare your own PowerPoint slides using the template. You can add background information or your own messages tailored to your specific shop.

Print a poster

Get a poster with five of the central messages about lifting, pulling and pushing. Print it out in A3 or A4 and hang it on the notice board.

Additional knowledge

You can also find additional professional knowledge about how much you must lift, push and pull, about work techniques and about the layout of the workplace, about equipment and the organization of work. All ready to print.

Last revised at 11. September 2023