Understanding influence at work

Influence is about you, as an employee, having a direct say in your own tasks, and in the resources and tools that are necessary to solve the tasks.

Example: A new idea for signs in the shop

Janne is a young sales assistant, and she has had the brilliant idea of customising the signs in the shop to the many foreign tourists expected this summer. At a meeting next morning, she suggests writing something in English and German, so that tourists understand the signs.

But the day’s tasks have already been allocated now, and the meeting is about to end, and since she hasn’t received any feedback on her idea, Janne is disappointed. Later in the day, her manager approaches her and tells her that he’s given her suggestion some thought and that he really likes her idea, so she’s welcome to take it further.

What is influence?

Influence is about employees being able to directly influence their own tasks and the resources and tools required to complete them.

Management sets the framework for the nature and scope of employee influence, considering the nature of work, employees’ authority to delegate responsibilities, and employees’ competences and need for influence and responsibility.

Benefits of having influence

Employees who have influence on their own work thrive better than employees without such opportunities. It’s therefore a good idea to give employees some degree of influence, because this generally improves employees’ job satisfaction, psychosocial working conditions and, consequently their mental health.

Last revised at 04. July 2023